Pool Operator Training

We are now offering our BPO Course online. Click here to begin your course today!

This course is designed especially for Hotel's, Condo's, Aprtments. Health Clubs and other facilities that have a "B" class pool. This course provides an introduction to the Ontario Health Regulations and code requirements for your pool and will provide the basics in Testing, filtration systems, water problems and the proper response as well as the Terminology used for Pool/Spas. The course also informs participants of the latest developments in water purification, pool controls and other technology.

An excellent one day course held at our corporate training centre in Mississauga.

Training Seminar includes: information binder, lunch and breaks, certificate of Completion.

Ontario Regulation 428/05 made under the HEALTH PROTECTION & PROMOTION ACT states that 3.(1) Every owner shall designate an operator 

3.(2) Every operator shall be trained in public spa operation and water maintenance, filtration systems, water chemistry and all relevant safety and emergancy procedures.

We offer several BPO courses throughout 2025:

May 14th, 2025

October 15th, 2025

Contact us for more information

Course Location: 5170A Timberlea Blvd., Mississauga, ON

Course Cost: $225.00/per person + HST

Course Time: 9:00am-3:00pm

BPO Registration Form

Please fill out all fields before submitting. Completion certificates will be mailed to the address input below.

If Purchase Order, Please enter number below.

Certified Pool Operators

The Certified Pool Operator course is the most internationally recognized and complete training course offered to the general public. The PHTA ( Pool and Hot Tub Alliance based in the United States) created this course to provide the information and resources to ensure that your operators are equipped with the training you need to protect both your users and your facility.

We offer several Certified Pool Operators Courses (CPO) throughout the year. This training will provide liability management, valuable insights on efficiency, code compliance, and reduced downtime. The CPO course is recognized by the Ontario Health Department.

Courses are operated in person at our Mississauga location in our conference facility for the public courses.

Private CPO classes can be arranged to meet your organization’s needs and schedule at your site, providing that 10 or more students are to be instructed.

Please contact martyn@pplgroup.com to discuss how we may provide CPO training for you or your staff.

We offer several CPO courses throughout 2025:

Cost $ 475.00 + HST

March 19-20, 2025

June 4-5, 2025

September 10-12, 2025

CPO Registration Form

Please fill out all fields before submitting.

If Purchase Order, Please enter number below.